psb event with collaborative playlist

What is the Event?

The psb music event with collaborative barcode playlist, and music video dance is being held in the C wing of Sheridan College Hazel McCallion will consist of three separate dates spread out through 3 months with each month having the same theme of Hip Hop and RnB music but the first month will be 90’s songs, second 2000’s songs and third 2010’s songs. Ticket prices for the event will be $15 per person or $25 if you add a plus one on an online purchase. If you are purchasing tickets at the door it will cost $20 per person or $35 with the addition of a plus one. If you are a current student at Sheridan than your entry ticket will be $10 regardless of where and when you pay.
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Food and Beverage
There will be food and beverage provided for purchase at the event with vendors being on the first floor with alcoholic drinks available. The food for purchase will change every month to what foods were popular in the decade of the event.

Event Set Up
There are 3 floors at the Sheridan Hazel McCallion campus C wing as mentioned before, and there will be different products and entertainment systems on each floor. On the first floor will be the food vendors as mentioned before, student vendors for art and decorations so their fellow students can support their hard work, as well as the music and DJ set up. On the second will be the socializing area with a lounge as well as where the bar will be located for students who want to have a little extra fun. And on the third floor will be the games floor, a fun hangout spot with retro games such as Pacman, along side a couple ping pong tables as well as a couple pool tables for more student entertainment.

Collaborative Barcode Playlist
This psb music event with collaborative barcode playlist will allow the attendees to add their own personal music taste to the events playlist that will be played throughout the entire event. For each respective month there will be a setlist for the songs to be played and performed. Half of that setlist will be predetermined songs that are chosen by the event planners from each decade.

The other half of the songs will be chosen by the attendees. Around the Sheridan campus there will Spotify QR codes printed out so that all students can access the collaborative playlist to add songs, for the first month only songs acceptable will be songs from 1990-1999, second month 2000-2009, and third 2010-2019. 2 weeks prior to each event the access to the QR will then be turned off so event planners can go through and make sure there are no repeat songs, there are no extremely explicit songs, and potentially take a few songs off if the playlist is longer then the duration of the event.

Dance From a Music Video
Up until the day of the event there will be an additional barcode around the Hazel McCallion campus that will direct you to a poll that will give you a choice of five songs to choose from. These songs will change based on the decade the event is celebrating, for the first month there will be five options of the most popular music videos from the 90’s, then there will be another poll for the second event for popular music videos from the 2000’s and then the same for the 2010’s.

The poll’s will be open until the morning of the event day and the music video with the most votes will be played at some point during the event. The event planners have hired a crew of professional dancers to attend this event to do a quick rundown of the dance in the music video so everyone can learn and preform the dance with the entertainers with the song and music video playing on a big screen behind the stage.

Facts About The Vendors!


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